It came as no surprise that President Obama chose not to use the word terror or terrorism in describing what happened at the Boston Marathon on Patriot's Day. Despite two large bombs loaded with anti-personnel shrapnel so as to maximize casualties placed in garbage containers and being set up to explode at intervals of 16 seconds did nothing to persuade the White House to be honest with the American public. Alongside Obama, expect public calls from White House officials and closely affiliated liberal media outlets to remind the public to keep calm and carry on. The American public will be reminded that the most effective response to this kind of event is to go back to our daily routine and show our resiliency in response to this event.

There should be not doubt that what happened in Boston was an act of terror and denying this will only invite more acts of terror in the future. Denying the doctrine of Jihad or Islamic holy war in regard to their support of terror throughout the world only exposes the failure of the Obama administration and other liberal institutions many of them within the institutionalized leadership of the American Jewish community of preventing the American public from expecting and to publicly call for an end to terror.

The American public should not be encouraged to suffer in silence as if nothing really happened. Promoting resiliency in response to acts of terror is something we in Israel have had to contend with for the past 20 years as a result of the Oslo agreements. Resiliency should not foster a pathological response of normalcy to terror. Political leaders such as President Obama will use American resiliency to avoid doing what must be done and saying what must be said about Islamic terror and the true threat to Americans. What the American public should appreciate is that by being strong and resilient, by not demanding real change towards the Islamic terror threat to America, the American public will unintentionally and inadvertently perpetuate the current situation and let the President Obama and the Democratic administration that he represents off the hook. Americans lack of emotional crisis, or their lack of weakness will enable political leaders to go about their business as usual supporting all sorts of peace initiatives with the likes of Iran's leaders, or the delusional leader of North Korea, or even the Al Qaeda leadership fighting in Syria even though as the latest terror attack in Boston has proven, supporting peaceful initiatives with terror states have proven repeatedly not only in Israel but throughout the world to result in an increase in terror attacks.

This self imposed tendency to refuse to label Islamic terror as evil, this willingness to deny the truth about Islamic terror provide a convenient backdrop for the call for self-defeating resiliency so as to distort thinking at all levels of society. Years of wasted time in worthless talks with Iranian leaders and other Islamic extremist organizations leading to worthless agreements and understandings have always ended up with increased terror and more victims. Yet, because of our “pathological” coping abilities, our “pathological” national resiliency, The Obama administration is exempt from feeling any urgency to ask themselves, is this a normal situation?  Does the American public have to accept that more and more Americans will be ruthlessly murdered at Marathon's or other public events or even on their way to work? Does the American public have to allow their politicians to exhibit such apathy to the suffering of their own people without taking strategic action to stop once and for all the wanton murdering of Americans?

No need to be honest, no need to take effective action to rectify this situation, no need to admit that the peace policies promoted by the left and the Obama administration are worthless and cause more American citizens to be sitting ducks. We can handle it, we are strong and resilient, we will continue to get up in the morning and continue on with our lives, as if nothing really has happened. American toughness and American resiliency will be cynically used to perpetuate inaction against the Islamic terror threatening America.

For us in Israel, we have been through this type of inappropriate political response to terror all too many times. In the heyday of the Oslo agreement, Shimon Peres, the current President of Israel coined the term "victims of peace". We the Israeli public were encouraged to suffer in silence and pay the price for the soon to come peace agreements waiting at the end of the rainbow. We in Israel have suffered the last twenty years of ongoing terror only to be comforted with worthless promises based on worthless agreements.

The American public should not be fooled, President Obama should be called to respond and respond effectively. Denying the clear and present danger to America will only encourage Islamic terror to be more brazen and extort an every increasing loss of life on American society.