Arab Israelis are trying to destroy the Jewish state, and there is no solution in sight. They are unwilling to accept a solution that is less than what is perceived as the Jewish nation state’s suicide. We are dealing with a minority that is positioning itself to supersede the Palestinian Arabs in a complete rejection of the Jewish state. Israel and her supporters must prepare to contend with a large minority of more than a million Arab citizens, who are fighting from the inside against Israel's Jewish, democratic character and identity. Even if a solution is found to the conflict with the Arab world and with the Palestinian Arabs, this will be the next major conflict used by the global coalition of de-legitimization to attack Israel. Israel’s Arabs are not interested in “the ’67 borders with land swaps”, they are seeking no less than transforming Haifa, Lod, Ramla and Beersheba into Arab cities.
Israel's Arabs are demanding a recognized status of their Palestinian Arab identity and as a national minority, while eroding the state of Israel's national Jewish aiming to the point of annulling them. The Jewish nation-state is illegitimate in the eyes of the main camp within Israel's Arab minority, even if an Palestinian Arab state is established alongside Israel. The strategy is to attack the Jewish establishment from the inside, using the democratic means of the State and of society, in the name of democracy, pluralism and human rights Their use of universal messages such as "a state of all its citizens" hides a wholly different purpose: An attempt to establish a bi-national state on the ruins of the Jewish state that will gradually change its demographic balance by rejecting the Law of Return and adopting the right of return. After achieving this, they plan that the new demographic balance will dictate an Arab state. Despite the growing integration into Israel's society and economy, Israel's Arabs are committed to undermining the Jewish state in its current format as the national homeland of the Jewish Nation.
Yet in all honesty we should ask ourselves, does their conduct seem any different than that of other minorities worldwide? Israel's Arabs are a special case. We are not dealing with just a majority and a minority, but rather, a minority with the mentality of a majority vis-à-vis a Jewish majority with the mentality of a minority. Israeli Arabs are not holding on to their Israeli citizenship based on a desire to form a joint Israeli identity. For them, the joint identity's objective is to water down the state's Jewish democratic identity. The determination not to lose their citizenship stems from the realization that no Arab regime will grant them the high standard of living and free lifestyle that they can maintain in Israel, thanks to the Jewish majority, something that always manages to delude them. This doctrine is especially prevalent among the younger and more educated Israeli Arabs who have adopted the belief that their struggle against the Jewish nation-state is part of their collective Palestinian Arab identity. They see nothing contradictory in benefiting from the fruits of the land of milk and honey, while working towards Israel’s destruction as a Jewish state. Israeli Arabs are increasingly electing radical representatives and their elites are committed to the more radical version of the struggle against the Jewish state. In the political arena, the radicals are almost the only ones who are given public expression, held in high esteem as role models. The Israeli public for the most part are fed media generated messages by Israel’s left brainwashing us to reconcile ourselves to this unavoidable outcome. A major result is that Israel affords more freedom to sympathize with the enemy than what is granted to any minority in any democratic state in the world, this must come to a stop, and now.
The urgency of the matter has been highlighted by the recent latest round of WikiLeaks cables, which exposed a report by the U.S. ambassador in Israel about his conversation with the recently retired Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin. The security-service director apparently told the American official that many Israeli Arabs "take their rights too far." Diskin noted with satisfaction, however, that despite the Israeli-Arab political leadership's attempts "to take the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a new direction and give it a new 'national color'" they have yet to succeed, as of now.
We must recognize the fact that this is the reality that Israel is facing and not let the conflict with the Palestinian Arabs distract us from this ever-increasing threat and challenge to Israel as the home of the Jewish Nation. We must thwart their aims to destroy Israel, albeit through democratic means. Yet, we should not delude ourselves about the nature of their struggle against the Jewish Nation. As Israel prepares for the Palestinian Arab onslaught this September at the United Nations, we must make it more difficult if not impossible to enable Israeli Arabs to transform themselves into in-house agents of the Palestinian Arab struggle against Israel.